40 Reputation


Posted an answer
TinyMCE not loading/showing for answer form

I have this same issue.  When I use the console there's an error that says "Tinymce is not defined"

April 23, 20205
Posted an answer
Ajax loading of the editor is a problem with other editor plugins.

Did you ever manage to fix this issue?  It's extremely annoying and confusing.  Why not just have the editor open and ready to go?

April 23, 20205
Asked a question
Question Editor has no toolbar

Hello, As the question title suggests, on my site the question editor has no toolbar like it does here. So all the options to add links, make things bold etc.. are not there.  Mine is just a box where...

April 23, 20202
Asked a question
How to change text and background color of answer editor

I'm in the process of customizing the css of my Anspress pages, so far I've been able to make the changes I need except for one. I can't seem to be able to change the text color of the text in the answers...

December 24, 20192
Asked a question
Is it possible to have all Anspress fuctionality on single page?

Hi, I'm setting up a membership site and would like to grant access to the Q&A section of my site to paying members.  The way this would be setup is that I would have one page with Anspress on it...

August 21, 20182
Received an upvote
December 11, 201710
Received an upvote
November 29, 201710
Asked a question
Limit Number of Questions Per User?

Is there a way to limit the number of questions a user can ask within a certain period of time? For example 3 questions a week? Or 5 questions a month? This would be a great feature to have especially...

July 22, 20172
July 22, 20170
Asked a question
I want to disable reputation points

I can't see an option anywhere in the settings to disable reputation points.  Was this option removed in the latest update?

July 22, 20172