What connects an answer to a question?
I need to copy questions and answers from my production server running AnsPress 4.0.5 to my staging server running AnsPress 4.1.13.
On the production server I used Tools > Export and exported both Questions and Answers.
On the staging server I used Tools > Import and imported both Questions and Answers files.
On the staging server I can see all the questions and all the answers (AnsPress > All Questions and All Answers) but when I view a question that has an answer on the webpage, the answer does not display.
How do I get the answers and questions linked up on my staging server?
post_parent in answers link answer with question. You are not able to see because while importing some default meta may be not created. To fix it go to wp-admin->anspress->options->tools and run all tools

Thank you for your reply Rahul.
Running all tools (I only did the re-count tools since uninstall didn’t seem like what I wanted to do) did not resolve the problem.
However, going into wp_posts and manually updating the post_parent did cause the answer to be displayed with the question. I also had to update the answers in wp_ap_qameta for the answer count to display.
Since my site does not contain many questions and answers manually updating the database is an acceptable solution for me.
Yeh, that will be easier.
How to solve this issue ??