How to display Questions and Answers on one single page?

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Hello, is it possible to view all Questions with the Answers on one page with pagination?

I tried to setup my own template overrides for Anspress, but the following code shows all the quesions but as well every answer under the questions. But I want to view only the answer for the coresponding question.

Thanks in advance!




 * Question list item template
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@link</a>
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@since</a>  0.1
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@license</a>  GPL 2+
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@package</a>  AnsPress

if ( ! ap_user_can_view_post(get_the_ID() ) ) {

global $post;
$clearfix_class = array( 'ap-questions-item clearfix' );
$have_permission = ap_user_can_read_answer( $post );


<!-- Frage -->
<div id="question-<?php ap_question_the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class($clearfix_class ); ?>>
    <div class="ap-questions-inner">
        <div class="ap-questions-summery no-overflow">
			<p class="post-meta">
				<?php the_author(); ?>, <?php ap_question_the_time(); ?>
			<h2 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
			<?php the_content(); ?>
<!-- /Frage -->

<!-- Antwort -->
<?php ap_question_the_answers(); ?>
<!-- /Antwort -->




 * Answers content
 * Control the output of answers
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@link</a>
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@since</a>  2.0.1
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@package</a>  AnsPress
<?php if(ap_have_answers()): ?>
	<div id="ap-answers-c">
		<?php if(ap_user_can_see_answers()): ?>
			<div id="answers">
					$i = 1;
					while ( ap_have_answers() ) : ap_the_answer();
					endwhile ;
		<?php else: ?>
			<div class="ap-login-to-see-ans">
					printf(__('Please %s or %s to view answers and comments', 'anspress-question-answer'), '<a class="ap-open-modal ap-btn" title="Click here to login if you already have an account on this site." href="#ap_login_modal">Login</a>', '<a class="ap-open-modal ap-btn" title="Click here to signup if you do not have an account on this site." href="#ap_signup_modal">Sign Up</a>');
			<?php do_action('ap_after_answer_form'); ?>
		<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>



 * Answer content
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@author</a>  Rahul Aryan <[email protected]>
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@link</a>
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@since</a>  0.1
 *<a class="ap-mention-link" href="">@package</a>  AnsPress
global $post;
$have_permission = ap_user_can_read_answer( $post );
<div id="answer_<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class() ?> data-id="<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    <div class="ap-q-inner">
        <div class="ap-answer-content ap-q-content" itemprop="text">
            <p class="post-meta">
                <?php the_author(); ?>, <?php ap_answer_the_time(); ?>
            <h2 class="entry-title">Meine Antwort:</h2>
			<?php the_content(); ?>
edited question

In single question page or question list?

Question List