How do you expand Comments
This is how it works. No setting to do what you want.
This was changed recently.

I have solved comment optimization issue if you guys are interested I can bring back this feature in 4.0. Lemme know.

Yes, we would like this feature back. When is 4.0 going to come out?
For me it’s a must have option too, yeah, let’s bring it back! 🙂

yes, my comments stopped being picked up in google too

@rahul can you make this a priority, Id like to see this as soon as possible… if possible
& can you send me the latest askbug, i can’t download it

Same here. It would be great for comments to appear un-nested so they can both easily be read by users and picked up by search engines. Is this feature being added to the new releases?
Hi @jonoman1, Yes, this feature is already added to the AnsPress 4.0.

Oh perfect! Thanks for letting me know.
Thanks Cagliostro.
If that’s the case though, how are the comments on this AnsPress support section appearing un-nested?