Custom fields

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Pre-Sales question:

Can you add custom fields to each question form?


Hello, i need to upload image from question form. I have the solution code provided, but in that code how can i save files in database. the second function “my_save_pdf_uploads” need post id to create meta_key and save values. But it doesn’t work. Any help ?


Is it possible to upload files using Custom Fields?



I want to add extra custom field and text box in ask a question.


Also I want to know where my data is posted and how to retrieve.



Example is shown in below answer. custom fields data are stored as post_meta.


Yes you can easily add custom fields to AnsPress form, here is an example (this code is taken from category extension)

Hi, finally I couldn’t resist to try out v 2.x of anspress. I am having hard time to convert your provided custom field code sample (select categories) into my desired one. I am trying to display custom fields – 6 Options (checkbox + textarea / input type text). you see, basically I am trying to extend ask question page into “Ask Multiple Choice Question Page”. Trying to modify it since last night, but so far no success (Seems I am very much outdated with anspress). Can you please help me with that? Thanks.

Sir you are trying to make polling type questions ?

@kumar, yes (kind of)… and with the previous help from rahul (during making of anspress v 1.x), I have idea that I will have to add some Keys-Values like Option_01_Text, Option_01_isCorrect (and so on 02, 03…06), but I am unable to implement it.

I don’t have much idea of custom fields, Rahul will answer this.

@atultiwari, This means there will be a repetitive group of fields ? Then you have to save data in a meta table. This cannot be achived directly cause at the moment AnsPress form do not allow group fields, but very soon. Cheers!

@rahul, thanks for your answer. Then it’s better for me to wait, as I can’t code from scratch repeatedly for every new version 🙁 Even “saving these group fields into meta table and then display” are giving me more hard times than it was for v1.x. Thanks for this plugin though.

Hi Rahul, I am trying to customize the answer form so it would, instead of one text area, have a couple of them, something like this I managed to do this via shortcode while posting an answer, but what I would like is to make it as a part of template. So, referring to the question and answer/comments above, are there any updates about how to implement custom fields that could help me to achieve this? Thank you!