Before asking question, i answered 2-3 posts. Hope i also get answer

4.55K viewsIssuestags

When i published question from wordpress panel as admin, Tags automatically removed from questions.. please help me i am new here i created website first time, main feature of my website is anspress there is 150 questions on my website..i am creating question book for students in future there will be 10k+ questions..please solve this issue, i am searching and read all tag related question still problem not solved..

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Please try disabling all plugins and only with AnsPress activated.

Yes i did.. but nothing happened

Yeh seems like bug in AnsPress. It will be fixed in upcoming release. Thanks for posting

Ok ?.. Thanks

when next version will release, because of this issue i can’t make my question seo friendly, if i add slug meta description from admin panel and update question then tags removes automatically. and if i post question normally then there is no slug meta description in it.. 🙁 🙁 ;(

Have the same problem.

Tags are working properly when you ask a question on the website but if you try to edit it in the admin section, the result is always 0 tags – no matter what you edit.

This is still an issue for me. I have created a blank wordpress install with just the latest version of this plugin installed and I cant get tags to save if I save the post in the admin area