AnsPress 4.0 beta 2 is out!
Hello Friends,
I have released 2nd beta of 4.0. You can easily upgrade from 3.x to 4.0.Please give it a try and let us know what you think about it.
Download link:

You are welcome, Fred.
Hello Rahul,
Currently I’m so in our new development environment to set up and have some questions:
1. Getting to the dashboard and profile (URL)?
2. Where people can subscribe to any questions or category?
3. The system does not send emails to the question and answer installers. But only to the administrator if there is a new question.
Hello Rik, I am currently working on something which will answer all of your question in next beta release.
Nice do you have a time when it is fix ?
Can i stil use this version if i go live ?
Yes you can
Ok then i now that.
I modified Avatar addon, and found solution, but it is somewhat heavy, maybe You will take it further?
I have modified get_avatar() and added helper function ap_has_avatar(), to check, if user has set his gravatar (image). If not, then function is returning false, and anspress dynamic avatar is generated.
I tried the same but It should not make request to gravatar for server side. I tried to accomplish this using JavScript only problem is that in console it shows 404 error which is not acceptable to some people.
O, well, then we drop this for now. Maybe something will change in the feature. Thx for Your time and effort! 🙂
But thanks for your efforts.
I have added dynamic avatar addon again with more options.
If Guest (not logged in user) is posting answer, then post is added as awaiting approval, but everybody can see it. Bug.
Thx, it’s working now.
Be the way, what about comments shown by default (option)? Is there any chance to implement that now, as 4.0 is much faster and well optimized?
I will recommend this, but in case anybody wants to auto load comments then all need is this code:
Ok, I will try this, thx! 🙂
Where do i have to put this ?
@rahularyan, this will not work correctly, as it will trigger every comments to open, even if there is no comments posted. Also the wheel is spinning all the time, look:
I will add few auto load comments.
Cool, that will be very helpful. Maybe last 2-3 comments if any, and then button to see more. This way user sees interaction on site, most people will never click to see comments, and they will miss important informations (people are lazy). Also, I think, that replay button/link besides edit and delete will be good idea. Clicking Add Comment if there is few comments already is not convenient.
I don’t see anywhere some mention about WP caching plugins compatibility (was promised).
Any information about it ?
Thanks !!!
Please try it with caching plugins and you’ll notice.

What plugins are supported ? All ?

Tried two plugins and they don’t work well (no update when changes). Comet Cache and WP Super Cache.
Thank you@Rahul Aryan, I have updated to beta2, Permalink format is a great change.
In addition, when I ask a question, can invite specific users to answer? For example: I ask a question!@user1 @user2 @userN , they will receive an invitation.

Looks like beta2 is already available. When I type @, whether the pop-up user list dialog box?
I tested upgrade process and 3 things happened:
1. All answers are shown with class .best-answer, so they look like this:
2. Categories need to be re-saved in order to get them working, if not, category page is blank.
3. Categories saved color and icon setting are lost after migrating process.
- i don’t see code for managing subscribers, so there is no subscriber added, when user makes comment or adds answer. Then theres is no way to check who is subscribing what, and no notification for any action is being send to the corresponding user,
- Dynamic avatars not working as excapted, all avatars are replaced, even if user has set gravatar via
Thanks for reporting, working on fix.
Fixed issue with best answer.
Category migration fixed
Removed dynamic avatar addon. spent more then 6 hours and cant find a way to deal with gravatar callback. Main reasons:
– Gravatar wants callback image as jpeg|png|gif but AnsPress is generating SVG.
– Callback image does not work in localhost.
Ok, and what about subscribers? For now there is no subscribers added, and email or buddypress addon not sending notifications about new activities to users, who added question, comment or answer. Email addon is sending email notification only to admin.
Thx for Your fixes, little more effort and Anspress will be very stable.
Please provide your suggestion here:
I get a error message:
Installing Plugin from file:
Unpacking package …
Installing the plugin …
Target directory already exists. **************/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/
Plugin installation failed.
Back to the plugin installation.
Remove previous AnsPress before installing new one.
Wow i installed the new version, it looks great 🙂
It will not send a email to the question placer and to de answer or comment placer. Only to admin.
I need that people get everything.
Indeed. Working on oneSignal addon.
Greeeaaat! Will try the upgrade on my staging environment and will report any issue. 😀 Thanks a looooot again for all your work on this project!